Best Quality Chain Pulley Block in the Market

Chain Pulley Block

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A Chain Pulley Block has more than one chain looping through it and all the loops are connecting with one another to a single axle. Gear wheels are the main part of this Chain Pulley Block, which make this system work. Like every big block or a series of elements, it also consists of an individual constituent, so it is the connection of various chain pulleys working together. Hence, understanding the term 'Chain Pulley' is required. A chain pulley is a simple tool, which eases the human effort of lifting an object. Used for centuries in the shipping and manufacturing industries, it uses the simple principles of physics and geometry to lift the object. It is first needed to be decided what type of chain is needed depending upon the type of job at hand. Chains can be of different sizes, thinner as well as thicker. Thinner chains are required when the object is lighter, and the object is to be lifted quickly whereas thicker chains are required when the need of lifting massive objects arise.

The chain pulley housing is the main constituent of the whole mechanism and varies greatly in size. Housing locks the gear wheels into the place so that the chain pulley can work efficiently even under great amount of strain. The simplest design has a chain feeding into the housing and going out at the other end. Chain lifts the object from one end on pulling of the other end. The geometric and physical principles suggest that the more no. of gearwheels added to the system, easier will be the process of lifting the object.

Following are the specifications of a Chain Pulley Block: :

Chain Pulley Block can lift the object of the capacity ranging from just 500 kilograms to the massive weights of 30 tons.
No. of load chains may vary from one to 16 as per the capacity and the requirements.


Frame is rigid, built with steel plates, and has high safety..

Worm wheel is the product of high quality cast iron and worm shaft uses high-quality steel and the heat.

Forged hooks come from forged steel and as per IS- 8610 standards are easy to rotate.

Hand chain and Load chain used are according to IS 2429/PartII/70 standards.

Brake is easy to press and has high reliability during the operations.

Application Areas




Construction sites

Chain Pulley Block used in the industries since the Industrial Revolution and till now it has not left the industry. Its features have increased the ease of lifting the objects from one place to the other. One unique feature among these pulleys is that they are automatic, which has reduced the human effort significantly.

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